Do you usually auto-concede against EX users in NOEX, or do you try even harder to beat them?
Why is "spamming" only bad when it's Sigs?
What do you give thumbs down for?
I Cannot Be Alone Here 😭
Missing Skin
I almost lost with way better starting Settlements 😭
Dude lost with the only good Wheat tile and started lashing out
Thirteen 6s and only Six 8s is crazy 😭
Sword Tier List (tiers unordered)
No one asked for this bro, its like changing coca cola from red to green, it doesnt change anything but it changes everything
Cool Detail: Akimbo guns turn back into a single gun when riding a zipline/zip rail, and ammo from the unused gun remains untouched
Talking Trash while having 0 Wool is an interesting strategy
You can remove any weapon, legend or feature in this game. What are you going to remove?
Forget top legends, show me your weapon playtime
patch update: the Reaper now has bodyguards? 😡😡😡
How I sleep knowing I never mained Mordex
chase dodge coming in clutch 😭
classic case of celebrating too early
Persona 3 Reload: Great Clock Conclusions
Losing to sig spam is your fault, prove me wrong
Revenant Ult multiplies Damage Dealt
any tips on how i could've played that better?
get a load of this guy
How did this PC-player get in our console-lobby? Both me and my teammate play on a PlayStation.