transphobic people in this community is crazy
i look dead
male eating disorder representaion?ma
Favourite misheard lyric?
fuck him 😠
What type of concert goer are you?
Good place to buy posters? (Europe)
Which band do you think has the coolest or most badass name in the genre?
can we stop buying from these places
training to be a nutritionist
Because only underweight people have eating disorders, duh!
In patient questions. I’m in now lmk if you have any questions
Vafan apple
PSA: Furry is a Hobby & Not Mandatory
Pick a number from 1-1,440 and I'll give u a song to try
wtf is this
Day 6 of asking your opinion on random songs, today's song is Welcome to the Family
Does my room give off scene?
Thoughts on this?
about the hair texture debate, ive made this collage a while ago. hope it helps
Grossest/strangest thing you have done as an anorexic?
I think my obsession with bmth has influenced my cat lol
Unrelated image. What country do you think has the best education system?
School restroom photoshoot (ignore the restroom part)
never thought about this before, but they always say the album title on one song