MyArfidLife’s mother
They call the youngest one Blue? They only added Beckham because of the creepy tweets
Who names their child blue
What small, mundane things do you miss about being a kid?
Golden interaction on the main sub
Noble Reign
We either win WW3 or everyone loses
Farm Bible Study Group
I feel bad about....
The time when I was seven and wrote fan mail to the Kratt brothers to tell them that all of the wombats were dying
That time I was 7 and wrote fan mail to the Wild Kratts only to tell them the wombats of Australia were fucking dying
Godly wife? 0 day long courses???
They don’t have ranch…
I hate what AI has done to education.
Couldn’t be bothered to help her out
A girl I hooked up with got pregnant and I'm hating myself for it.
I Think Something's Wrong With My House.
Thinks she can participate in wine night
I made women uncomfy. Please pity me.
banned on all dating apps. 31M lonley
Why do people think isadora is trans?
Bizarre new YT genre
What Rusicals do you guys really want to see?
J "knows his stomach is showing and said this is okay to post"
Yall aren’t ready for the Lion’s Den 👹😈🔥
i am a pedo and it is killing me