in what green day era were you born ?
Attempt 3 at trying to do a day exterior in full sun and not having it feel “lit”.
LA is not a city known for it's BBQ - so I made a map of every place I could think of that serves decent ribs. Happy to add suggestions. (Updated with correct link).
My drum cover of Skankin’ Pickle’s cover of Gorilla Biscuit’s “Start Today”
What’s something that still hasn’t returned to normal since the pandemic?
DZOFilm Vespid cine prime kit - worth owning?
The song (and album) that basically taught me how to make drums talk. Thanks Tré!
Practicing a night interior setup. Still learning but I’d love some feedback
Little homage to the album that shaped the foundation of my taste in music
Tacolicious Manhattan Beach
Such simple shots, but 2 of my favorite screen grabs from a recent music video I shot
Just a handful of some of my favorite shots from around the South Bay
Lighting an interview with the President at the White House | BTS
What’s the deal with lining up outside of Costco before it opens? They’re not opening for another 45 minutes..
What did the pandemic ruin more than we realise?
Any authentic Southern BBQ restaurants in the South Bay?
Can a single Aputure 1200D push sufficient day light through a sheered living room window?
Thoughts on this interview set up (follow up to last post)
Thoughts on this interview setup?
What loophole did you exploit before someone found out?
Product Commercials: BMP6K v FX30
My recovery email no longer exists and I can’t sign in
Imagine being stoned here.