I think we could have a problem with this down the line...
Is it panda or just a drunk lad?
The Real Need
Guys, I've found a gem
OpenAI warns the AI race is "over" if training on copyrighted content isn't considered fair use.
How would you reply?
What AI Really Needs
I built an AI-assisted system that got me out of a serious rut. Now, I'm looking for 10 people to test this system for honest feedback (you only need ChatGPT account)
How to stop seeking validation from others?
Bernie Sanders, newly ejected mayor of Burlington, Vermont. 1981
What’s a movie that will have you laughing from beginning to finish?
I'm inviting my fellow entrepreneurs who are stuck, burnout and lack motivation to test my system that got me unstuck and pushed me into crazy momentum. Comment or post if you want to test it for free
how to remove expectations and fully embrace their presence without any strings attached? how to fully enjoy their presence without fearing their absence?
The Myth of a Perfect Product Launch
Entrepreneurs, what do you choose :
I feel broken as startup founder
I built an AI-assisted system that got me out of a serious rut. Now, I'm looking for 10 people to take for a ride in exchange for honest feedback
I built an AI-assisted system that got me out of a serious rut. Now, I'm looking for 10 people to go through the same process for honest feedback. [Meta]
I built an AI-assisted system that got me out of a serious rut. Now, I'm looking for 10 people to go through the same process for honest feedback
I built an AI-assisted system that got me out of a serious rut. Now, I'm looking for 10 people to go through the same process for honest feedback.
Chat Gpt helped me far more than my therapists ever did
How to create a tone of voice for a startup?
Member of EU Parliament
GPT-4.5 will NOT have an updated voice mode :(
ChatGPT has been my friend through my latest struggle...and I don't care if you think it's weird.