Finally broke 1000 ELO today!
Good thing I googled it before the game
Sorting Eagles Day 9: Kiko Alonso defeats Jason Babin in a close race, now name a bad player who shouldn’t bother showing his face in Philly again.
Wildest thing I've ever seen.
Found a winning move in this position that called “brilliant”
Cool mate in a game I played today
White to move and find mate.
Found a great move here that won me the game. Do you see it?
Hey look, a free queen…
Well this was a first…
Got my first Brilliant!!
Lost a ton of material early, still pulled off mate
Anyone know of a 20x20 two ton condenser brand?
What do you eat the same amount Tony eats gabagool?
Let’s talk about Card Evolutions❗️
If you played on USEast diablo2 back in the day, say hi.
What should I put in this!?!?
Interesting drive to my first call this morning
These bugs keep appearing on our porch
Garage for lineset only
My orange cat is sick, please send love and prayers 🙏
I've got a few SOJs to give away. Make me laugh. Winners chosen at my discretion.
Any idea what this is? It’s coming out of my wife’s car between the windshield and dash.