I need a date (white girl)
Whats this? Really worry.
Husband M36 called me F34 a f*king b*tch
Is this a scam UK HMRC letter?
still wondering.. what are those things? stress.
Green yelloh phlegm.
Lingual tonsil hypertrophy
swollen Lingual tonsils No pain, can swollow eat and drink
Help! Any idea on what these bumps are on the back of my tongue/throat? I’m guessing inflamed lingual tonsils? I’ve had my tonsils removed and no cough or pain, my mouth has been a little dry though.
Gave myself an abscess by using qtips... Don't repeat my mistake (also say hi to my lingual tonsil stone! 🙃)
Can you develop food allergy/intolerance as a grown adult?
whats this behind tongue ?
Does this stool look normal ? Been having stomach cramping usually after eating not all the time & lots of stomach gurgling in the morning only . Wondering if it’s normal, celiac, IBS , or something serious?!
Anybody get constipation and diarrhea in the same BM? Mine starts with belly pain and feeling like I have to go but can’t. Finally, I’m able to push out some hard stools. Then, it changes to watery stools. I’m not impacted because I am able to go at least every 3rd day.
Anyone know what these bumps on my tongue are about?
what is this? im scared.
what is this at gum area? i had this during covid positive.
Found this spot today. Other than going to the doctor, what advice do people have?
Update on possible lingual tonsil stone post first ent visit
20F Inflamed Lingual Tonsils
Hard, white mass appearing on upper gums post COVID. Theories as to what this could be?
Covid positive. Anyone with sore gums?
Lingual Tonsil Hypertrophy
Day 5 post-Tonsillectomy. Uvula swollen like crazy. Does this look OK? ENT check in tomorrow.