Make crossbones meta again
Thank you scoply for your fuck up lmao
Montezuma spawned on the other continent on Terra map. Is this a bug or do "New World" civs spawn on the other continent.
So hear me out, Battleworld is actually worse than Blitz.
How long did the Mythic nodes of DD7 take you???
So, uh... Ares is really, really bad, even in War.
You have to pick 3 strains to smoke on a beach, what would you pick?
AITAH for divorcing my husband because he spent 10 minutes in the car during a family emergency?
mercs for money broken on offence
Who to Upgrade/Focus on Unlocking
Peni Parker has bankrupted me
Missed opportunity for training orbs in Challenges
Clans that sit on the same server are very annoying
Heckler making fun of comedian.
I was going to unlock Horsemen the second time around. Now I won't see them for months.
Name a show that does NOT tick any of these!
My local Target unlocked all its cases for holiday shopping
Keep an eye out for this method of cheating
Armbar from closed guard at Cage Warriors 153. I’ve tried it many times but failed. How did he make it look so easy?
JFK driver doesn’t like the distance and won’t cancel so they just drive away
This bedroom on a balcony
Sumerian tablet that's around 3 thousand years old being destroyed by ISIS as it doesn't confirm to their beliefs
AITA for selling my house and not renewing the lease of a family with a sick child?
How much gold is needed to level up a character from lvl 1 to 90?
The owner of Foster Gwin Gallery was devoid of empathy as he drenched a homeless person with a hose in the freezing San Francisco winter