Absolutely heartbroken
Jonah: a final montage
Spironolactone for HS.
Has anyone had a good experience with a general surgeon?
Please help me get laid and cure my lumps
Losing weight
Clothing? (HS on bikini line)
Ladies with HS: What is your experience with continuous birth control? How long for the body to adjust? Did it help?
Flare ups during period
Started using sudocrem and I've been HS free for the past 3 months
Those who take Skyrizi, what insurance do you have?
Working out w/HS?
Underwear recommendations
Doxycycline and depression, suicidal ideation, hormones
Getting a diagnosis…
Doxycycline/Plastic Surgery
Can a fistula spread to upper thigh
Do you take doxycycline as a treatment for HS?
Completely stopped shaving stop hidtadenitis?
Worried about a proper diagnosis
Fish oil
Recently diagnosed in need of advice
Has anyone had this happen and quickly gone to stage 2-3?
Any luck with sit-on pillow rings to ease the pain while sitting?
Anal fistula forming from HS?