This should be a Reaper skin
Trading my inventory, lf traits, more unus or an overpay
Found another yall
Unus traders when u dont give them ur entire bloodlines souls for their p0 blizzard charm Voyager (its prem):
tesseract value?
Trading for cool unusuals or godlys
How... (Also trading them)
Trading these again, LF more unus, traits, fingers or an overpay
Anyone looking to trade these items?(desc)
Got this but don't have a picture, W or L?
Trading some of these ask and imay say yes long as the trade seems Fair. ML4 UGER
Does anyone have a Gear 5 or Sukuna with a bad trait?
Trading these ,LF unus, traits, fingers or anything good
Trading this
Trading these, lf traits, unus or fingers
What will you choose?
This is downright illegal💀
Do I take?
Trading these, LF traits, fingers or more unus
Trading for P//S
Trading unusuals and some traits. Here’s some of the stuff
Happy 555 Rank Day!