Which character are you most surprised hasn't gotten a card yet?
Building Celes, Rune Knight
Next Pickup? I'm thinking Ajax then Frigga. Anything better on this list than these two?
Infinite with Eson/Arishem. This deck slaps. CL 17k
Is Arishem worth getting?
What is your favourite Red card?
I've never been happier with a split - Gold /Gold Crackle Arishem (Dan Hipp var.)
What is your favourite black card?
Hot Take: Sanctum was the most generous event in Snap history and should be celebrated as such
Is Yondu the worst card in the game now?
Is it worth 1000G?
[FIC] cEDH Celes deck
Super excited for Hashaton in EDH, so I’m making custom art zombie tokens with the Lazotep art style :)
What is your go-to first word in Wordle?
This t-shirt is generating strange looks
Share your Sanctum Spoils
Deflecting Palm, Comeuppance, Inkshield... Which interactive commander strikes terror into the heart of attackers?
Guys.. Just a PSA.. the printers can catch on fire. Bought a kobra max 2 from Amazon 3 weeks ago and my 2nd print (first print was 24 hours) and this happened about 3am in the morning. I took the picture after carrying it outside to a safe area and running back in to open doors and windows..
Got anymore of that Jeff Hays?
The category is: cards that got nerfed way too hard.
Things to look out for this weekend!
Dragon related combos?
I know this are a scam but my god, I love this variant
Decks you didn't build or had to retire because the play experience of playing against them would be awful.
PSA. Alioth does not stop Agamottos arcana.