Despite the fact that he attacked me with a dildo, I felt bad for the guy. Managed to get him down from that cliff he had been trapped on, alive.
Subway rides with Johnny
What do you want from the radio stations in Orion?
Anyone else watch Shaped By Stories on YouTube. Love her character analysis videos. This is the one she did on Alt.
Anyone else notice the king of wands watching over V and Reed’s last meeting after Phantom Liberty?
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Millennials are born between 1981 and 1996, because Millennials are born between 1981 and 1996
Here’s one of the Silent Generation traumatizing a bus full of Zoomers.
please help, it's been like 3 in game days and River hasn't left my apartment
This PL ending is as beautiful as it is gut wrenching
Favorite Fixer?
How does the decals look on my VW Tiguan? Idk this is allowed here tho
I hope the boys join in with suing Honey
So, as of today, there are no more millennials under the age of 30?
Has anyone else seen civilians randomly morphing into this one guy? Is it a bug or some kind of Matrix reference?
Got a little creative with Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy gig. What do you think their conversation will be like when they wake up? Should keep them from noticing the missing shard for a while.
Finally managed to get this poor gonk off that cliffside alive. Most people would have just left him to rot after getting assaulted with a dildo.
Give this band a name
This looks new.
What was the year 2007 like?
Whereas Mastercard and American Express proudly support their gooner and coomer customers.
Why does it look like a happy face with its tongue sticking out?
“Gen Z voters were the biggest disappointment of the election.”They’re still going at it.
Get your Kirkland Signature gold and silver bars being at the Costco in Kawasaki. You can even buy an engagement ring for your significant other here.
What if the truth is that Russia, China and Iran are the countries fighting against evil, and the people being fed propaganda and disinformation are the citizens in the West?