Bro needs to chill lol
Average (net) salaries in Balkan countries. Many people I’ve talked to seem to think Romania and Bulgaria are still far less developed than Turkey.
This ad I saw in Macedonia
VAT tax return
Showing the flag might be violate GDPR and privacy laws
Stress can do a lot of things
Kosovo's prime minister again refuses to testify at prosecutor's office for a corruption case
Got my first Cryoknight today
If the Hippodrome of Constantinople still stood in Instanbul
First time cooking expesive steak - Australian Black Angus Ribeye
When Kosovo votes, so do 27,000 Kosovars in Switzerland
Pagimi i gjobes se makines?
Giving away 1 game of your choice (up to $100)
What are border controls like when exiting Kosovo?
a keni probleme sot me telkos ne Prishtine?
Disa fakte që...
After losing her mother, she danced with her father at the school performance
Sipas faqes së KQZ-së, PDK-ja “i mori” 1190 vota në vendvotimin me 425 votues
Pytje rreth votës e diasporës
Kosova viteve te fundit
Exit poll of Kosovar election.
Pse kaq ngadal jane duke i numru 10% e fundit?
Personi qe e hakoi KQZ-n
Political Megathread - 8 February