How do you pronounce Baseline?
Taking one summer class
Disability Form Fees
Finding a summer job mission impossible
Crazy girl in law library shushing people then talking
Dunn's Famous Deli in Ottawa's ByWard Market Closing
What’s the worst place you’ve worked in Ottawa?
Things to do with change?
Update to: neighbor has camera pointing into driveway: Now she has one pointing directly into 2 bathroom windows and my bedroom.
AITA for telling my best-friend to stop crying about not being allowed to go to the toilet on her period?
Random question that doesn't affect me at all
3 busses didn’t show up in -23 weather
Cat stuck in air duct
Doctor and NP dismissed my health concerns, and now I’m scared
My head tenant is enforcing a new no vaping rule, he is a subtenant and doesn’t own the property. He is putting a $300 fine if he catches us vaping - read the message exchanges below for the clauses lol
AMO for kicking my bf out for getting physical in an argument
Best Hole in the Wall Restaurants in Ottawa
AIO after I found out my BF has a porn addiction and want him to watch less frequently?
Ottawa's large experiment with 'safer' opioids could be nearing an end
AIO - my gf had this exchange in an Instagram comment section. I think she was being disrespectful to our relationship
Is anyone else sitting alone in their office right now?
IUD insertion under sedation
AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide
Eyebrow threading