In Mystery Heroes you now spawn with both perks, randomly selected.
No Weapons for Multi-Person Matches
After many, many matches I can say for myself: Perks made this game worse
This set revival is the most unfun set revival imo
Is perks gonna make games more lopsided?
The inbalance between perks is a problem
Bastion self-heal going crazy
Why are your thoughts on perks?
Perks ruined Mystery Hero
Set 4.5 Bag Size will ruin other revivals if kept around
Punishing leavers in QP is necessary
Remember this game? How do you feel about it over a year later?
I love and hate Set 13 and its weird
Hot takes on Set 13
Am I the only one who hates 4.5 revival?
So far Moth Meta seems to be more Fist Meta than anything
To all Doomfist player
[Megathread] WWE Releases 2/7/2025
Not a fan of individual bag sizes in Set 4.5 Revival
I think individual bag size change in 4.5 is a bad idea
TFT Set 4.5 Revival: My Most Annoying Comps/Units
Bag size in 4.5 Revival are... personal?
Can we have an actually fun and balanced moment of OW1's timeline?
[WOR] Triple H Didn’t View Duke Hudson as a Main Roster Talent, Leading to WWE Release
I love Archangel Kench