For those looking to complete the Sadness Weekly missions of getting 20 Stuns with bombs quicker, the Buzz Lightyear Star Chaser has a "Single Skill" race at apprentice diffculty with bombs only that you can use Sadness on.
Characters to Unlock Snow White?
Jamboree feels like it has no minigames
Day 2: Autopia has been eliminated! Which Disneyland/DCA ride should be eliminated?
Invest-a- Larvesta: The Volcarona problem
Honestly I’m surprised…
My Review of Unova Tour LA 2025
I won the war, but at what price
Way harder than anything in Book 7 thus far lol
Question About Star Levels and Character Progression
Wreck-It Ralph Tournament?
Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Pokémon GO’s 2025 Lunar New Year event!
balance adjustments for v2.4.0 ⚡️
New Years Event Tip:
Violet Store Unlock
Why is the security line overflowed all the way to the Uber lot???
Blocked chain
I noticed that sometimes in co-op, when another player sees a c-6 or someone do high damage, they instantly leave the co-op. Is this common? I sorta wish they at least didn't leave and at least finish the battle, claim the tree reward, and leave. Do you guys dislike c6 in co-op?
Why is it so low on Christmas eve?
Pawmo evolution
One hell of a respawn
Who’s that pokemon?
RIP Maui Event
Cramorant now has a 3.90% skill trigger rate