When looking at AA or AC?
Some observations
What is the point of Historical matches?
What the heck is the point of historical matches
How much ancestor you must have to be part of a race?
All Dna tests and comparisons I have took
So i’ve been doin a lot of research because my family claims we have native american dna.
All dna tests and they’re comparisons
I don’t mean this offensively!
This may be confusing or dumb question ‼️
Where do i look like im from and mixed with (if any)
Anyone have any louisiana creole heritage? if so do you take pride in it?
Anyone have any louisiana creole heritage ? if so do you take pride in it?
Does any other AA or Caribbeans get french relatives? and why?
Uh ? Is scotland apart of france?
Miss pronounce words in native language ?
1st language is english (native)
Have you changed your name when you reverted to islam?(from a revert)
What do AA feel about their Malagasy heritage?
How do AA feel about there malagasy heritage?
Do yall find the historical matches accurate or believe them?