Телефон RealMe, кто из пользователей сталкивался с такой проблемой?
Чи є в Україні провайдер з 10Gb Ethernet?
What did you do during your free time before the rise of social media, instead of scrolling through social networks?
What is your vision of the concept of "masculinity"?
Best blur ballad?
What song makes you feel incredible confident?
doge and Harmbecoin skyrocket???
Everyone should buy Doge as a tribute to our beloved Shiba Inu
What is a feeling you miss?
How to smoke this?
What's your favorite thing to eat when you're high
У меня рак мозга
What would you do if an online date showed up and was 30 pounds heavier than their photos?
Girls, do you like when a guy approaches you without you knowing him?
What makes a woman attractive?
eSIM recommendation
Old friend wants WhatsApp mentioned pix vids UGH 😩
PC restarts by itself when gaming
I’m super high and my boss is about to pick me up.
What innuendo/nicknames do you use to relay to others that you smoke discreetly?
this vegan shit is easy
Some ghost train haze
Does anyone prefer to start their day at work stoned?
How does the smell of a bud correlate with its effect?
Android 13 QPR3 Beta 3.2 NFC contactless payments are borked