Lebanese Woman in Germany - Need Advice on Seeking Asylum
Best way to job in Germany as a non european country.
What the FUCK is this attack
Question about studying and working in Germany.
What if?
Severance pay question
Part-Time Job or Blocked Account
Can't find any job for a year as a foreigner from a war-torn country mid-senior Golang developer
About Ausbildung
Apartment search
Opportunity Card- Cybersecurity Professional
Should I go for an MS ?
Marshall and Lily bought an apartment in S3E8. Narrator Ted says t was a terrible time to buy it and also a bad investment for that time. is that really true?
Execution by train
Best tech cities of germany
A woman on the phone and not paying attention to the road drove into a 1948 Jaguar XK120.
For the love of god can hezbollah just stop firing rockets at Israel.!Wtf is wrong with them???
How are hezb supporters and their families feeling about Nasrallah's death?
Weiterführende Schule: Gefährdet das Gymnasium die Gesundheit meiner Kinder?
Is Munich Business School good?
Accepted Fachinformatiker 🎉
Projektantrag - Systemintegration - Aufbau Monitoring-System
Chinese rocket test ends in explosion, caught on drone footage!
Questions about working student jobs
Ratschläge für den Einstieg als Anwendungsentwickler mit einem Bachelor, Master und einer anerkannten Äquivalenz