Plugged Nickel Evolution
I don't "get" the bass on Sunday at the Village Vanguard
Question about the Kid and Alicia's conversations in The Passenger
Blood Meridian Ch VII Scene of a massacre
TP+SM Timeline - Pre-1980s
What happened to Tobin?
What’s the discourse around ‘My Favourite Things’ by John Coltrane? (Album not just song)
Quick note on the coldforger
More on Riemann
Christmas Gift to myself came in!
The Passenger Allusions
Album Recs for Fans of the Silver Cord?
Where to start with Jazz?
Frankly I think there should be less discussion on a man born in the thirties and raised in the mountains of south Appalachia having sex with a teenager and more on his appreciation of Roland Kirk.
[Setlist Thread] November 3, 2024 @ Vina Robles Amphitheatre · Paso Robles, CA
How much does the Judge do that we don’t see
I've been rereading The Road and there's a line I'm kind of stumped on.
Best metal runs so far on the tour?
Does anyone else here listen to Karkara? Big early Gizz vibes on their newest album
Suttree and the Buddha
Last night's show
Stu's New Aggressive Vocal Vibrato
[Setlist Thread] September 1, 2024 "Marathon Show" @ Huntington Bank Pavilion At Northerly Island · Chicago, IL, USA
which songs have you overlooked?