I. Love. Her.
Junimo bully culture: they would rather taunt me with their dance moves than let me plant my last wheat seed
Um. Okay byee
TODAY I LEARNED that you can transfer stats between footwear??? So I didn't have to be wearing bright blue mermaid shoes or bright purple space boots all this time? I'm on year 6 and just figured this out? Honestly kinda pissed lol
3 DPO and scared
Let’s see your best gotcha day photos. 🐶
17 dpo ??
ovulation cd 15? bbt not matching?
Can the science side of Reddit please tell me what in Satan’s name I just fished out of this skin serum bottle? It’s on the end of a toothpick for size reference. Please tell me it’s just congealed ingredients? [product question]
Can the science side of Reddit please tell me what in Satan’s name I just fished out of this skin serum bottle? It’s on the end of a toothpick for size reference. Please tell me it’s just congealed ingredients?
8 DPO and nothing. Could transvaginal ultrasound still detect something?
Help Is this line progression good 17 DPO
Easy@home 9-20 DPO with 3 beta draws. Hallelujah!
Took hopefully my final tests this morning. (Hopefully) last beta in an hour. Premom and FRER 20 DPO
Line progression 20 dpo
9-16 DPO easy@home
Should I be concerned? Line Progression? Easy@Home ~13-19 DPO.
18 DPO with slow HCG rise
Please tell me it's too early to panic - CD +4 days past missed period
is this an ok line progression at 20 dpo?
Progression 9-15 DPO
Do we think this is looking good? 11 - 18 DPO dried
Progression lines okay at 19/20 dpo
9-18 DPO easy @home