I am convinced Chicory Root is a vicious vice spawned by the Devil
Any new nausea meds?
Seeking doctors and specialists
Port Stress
Colonoscopy/endoscopy anxiety
Anyone done/heard of pelvic floor physical therapy to help with GP?
Endoscopy Soon!
Weight gain
❤️ive had diarrhea for a week❤️
Just found out that I can’t eat like 75% of my safe foods
Nausea and vomiting from IBS?
GP and eating disorders
what is a gastropesis episode?
Not celiac…?
New allergies require me to be gluten free
Are these Gluten free friendly?
Do naps make your symptoms worse?
Been referred to the Motility Clinic in KY.
what do you guys do for hydration? i'm so frustrated
Whoever thought bitter fake strawberry is what an extremely nauseous person would want to taste …… they were wildly incorrect
Frozen smoothies?
for real how do you guys stay hydrated