When life throws colours at you make , grab a canvas & make a painting
Please help me, I am very nervous.
Light hearted positive update post
I experimented with a lotus nose ring on Friday and I absolutely love what a statement it makes 🤌🏾
Your childhood was awesome if you remember them!
made a virtual doodle of the eight Indian Classical Dances :) tell me what you think about it!
Corporate guys, how do you deal with your sexuality at office?
Here is another portrayal of Shiv and Shakti from the deepest corners of my heart.
Is it bad if I feel straight now?
I know i suck at makeup... BUT HEY THAT'S WHY GOD INVENTED FILTERS 😹!!!
shout out to all the friendships that Grindr has made possible :)
Battle will be legendary ☠
What is this community's honest take on transgenders (or whatever) entering trains, demanding money from travelers and causing a nuisance if not given?
Anyone else feel the pressure to overachieve because you're gay?
ICAI’s Obsession with Members and Its Blatant Apathy Towards Students
Anyone into classical music?
Thread for finding dates, friends, etc in your city 🚨IMPORTANT: Put such requests only in this comment thread. Submitting a separate post for dates, finding friends etc is NOT allowed & will be removed.
Side quests ideas
Just got these 🥰
Community is the biggest hoax
a gay couple drawn in kalighat pattachitra style :)) lmk what you think :)
A question for mono sexual people
Everyday 😮💨
what on earth even? 😭