With rotation upon us, what are your overall thoughts on the Year of the Wolf (improvements, struggles, etc)?
Mage imbued hero power not dealing aditional damage with Prophet Velen
This tavern brawl is more fun than any meta in the past year.
NEW Tavern Brawl - Decks that can be played without the new cards
When the stock market loses three trillion dollars, where does that money go?
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
A meta-proof digital CCG: is it possible?
A streamer that gets 1m views on a good day asked $90k for a 1hr stream. Are those standard AAA numbers?
Are you okay with hidden features? Like, a complete feature that will change even the gameplay?
If porting is so hard, why are the stores full of shovelware?
Are you ever discouraged by the amazing games that get posted here?
Default Keybindings for 4 Skills with WASD Movement
Why is it so hard to make arcade car physics ;(
Think this roll was a bit more violent than I meant...
Designing mechanics to allow generic attack cards in a deck builder
Why hand IK is not IK'ing'?
Should I give up and make something else?
Godot's Procedural Animation Methods and Combining Them With Standard Animations
Raycast v Area3d: When to use which?
Estimated release date
People who have played the beta... What're your thoughts?
The Cosmere TTRPG is a DnD/PF hack with quirks and I am... sad?
Investiture via spheres
What should I get for a group of around 5-6?
Best group size and stormlight only books