You are offered $3 million but to get it you have to live the life of the main character from the last series you watched for the entire run of the show
Age yourself with a movie you saw in theatres as a kid!
Okay here it is, what are your top 5 games of all time?
my wife is looking for populated social games. i dont think it exists
Please recommend some unsettling Australian films that you enjoyed.
So, y’all, what does your Video Game Playlist look like thes days?
Schimps lyrics is just amazing.
Let us hear them !
Picked “Andromeda” for my fellow’s name! What’s yours?
What was "The incident" at your school?
Elon Musk doxxed a judges daughter - Feb 11, 2025
Fellow 80s kids - was so excited to find this on SBS OnDemand, but no one else I know remembers this show. What is your obscure after-school cartoon that still lives rent-free in your head?
Spanian Hate (Genuine Question)
Worst movie you unironically love
The girl I wan to take to prom really likes Bojack Horseman.. But I don't really know anything about it. Does anyone have and ideas for a promposal that is Bojack themed?
What’s a completely unimportant line from a video game that lives rent-free in your brain?
Which movie is that for you?
Guess the year I was born based on the stuff I grew up with
Giveaway Round 2! Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs & DVDs.
I see your Tomteland and raise you Ton O Fun
Giveaway! Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs and DVDs.
How would you live your everyday life if you won the lotto?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Good live-action family films NOT featuring talking animals
How much would these be worth?