I'm trading these Pokémon.
Giveaway!!! Just comment your favorite legendary and which mon would you like to win from the pics to enter, winners will be chosen randomly after 24 hours
FT: Custom OT Pogo shinies LF:Pogo shiny offers, legends/mythical offers
LF: Shiny Rotom, Shiny Cetoddle, Shiny Spheal, Shiny Staryu FT: Pictured/Listed
Trade a shiny pokèmon for an Alakazam from Pokèmon Let’s go (home dex)
LF shiny offers
FT: everything not with star, also shiny rayquaza LF: shiny pogo legends/mythicals. Legit event home Pokémon.
Is there a point in having these? Also looking to trade my shiny pogo rayquaza for the same one but English name
Mega Giveaway ENDS MARCH 20th
FT: pic LF: offers. Shiny legends/mythicals would also be great
FT SWSH Gmax duraludon and Gmax toxtricity (amped), LGE vulpix, POGO heracross and hawlucha
LF: help completing Let’s go dex just need two entries
LF: help Touch trading LGPE koffing and weezing FT: I have LGPE Kabutops omastar scyther
FT: shiny Pokémon, and non shiny legends LF: shiny legendaries/mythicals preferred pogo
FT: Pic everything but star. lF: pogo/legit shiny offers
FT: legit shinies, legit non shiny legendaries . LF: legit shiny offers or good offers in general
FT: pogo shinies Can do custom ot LF: pogo: legit shiny offers! Also have shiny fuecocos just forgot to unfavorite
LF: Rotom PoGo (CG: offer)
Will trade anything here for mythicals or legendaries
FT: just got this from wonder box, it’s genned and I can’t use it. LF: any offers?
LF: pogo shiny legendaries/mythical FT: pogo/self caught shiny box, pogo/self caught non shiny legendaries
LF: Fill my Hisui Dex FT: Shiny POGO Deoxys or Genesect
FT| pogo or self caught legendaries not shiny. LF: offers
Giveaway ✨️🥳