Shiny Hunting with Dexnav before post game ?
House backed up, Plumbers vs. City
Boss said “No overtime allowed,” so I worked exactly 40 hours and let everything fall apart.
Back door bottom ledge issues
True reason for the dual USB-C ports (probably)
Gives me Health issues? Why?
Peak of arcade style racing games. Tell me how wrong I am.
Honeymoon phase is over…
Just, why???
New Minivan? sienna vs carnival
New Minivan? sienna vs odyssey vs carnival
Why is this happening?
My little guy is obsessed
My friend got me this while he was in Japan
My very modest physical game collection
Used up all my luck for this one!
Opinions on the everdrive 64 x5. is it worth it?
This is why girls bully me.
Game room
Amada vs Bystronic vs Mazak vs Trumpf
Help! Hinge not working properly
Usbc mod for ndslite 👌
Trip to Japan was awesome!
Did Nintendo really give up on mobile gaming?