Bought more bonk
Liquidity providing reward payout time
Warspire: New Season, New Features, and Big Fixes!
Társasház erkély, dohányzás birtokvédelem?
What movie, no matter how old, is a 10/10?
Melyik kötelező olvasmányt utaltad a legjobban es miért?
What would you name this ship?
I've been working on a bullet heaven idle game called Nomad Idle.
Why does every man have to be so sexual?
Melyik egyszerű változás hozta a legnagyobb pozitív fordulatot az életedben?
"The railgun nerf was a good thing. If you can't deal with armored enemies without a railgun, you don't deserve it"
Any first impressions on the newest Playasaurus game I got notified about?
New Update
What is one myth about sex watching porn made you believe?
Mikor fognak végre lázadni az emberek a heti 40 órás munka ellen?
As barrels went missing
Does anybody know what this upgrade does
Just finished Alan Wake 2 and this is undisputedly my GOTY. If you haven’t played it yet, I’d highly recommend it.
What's going on in Budapest today?
First event completion ever
What does these Reactor upgrades do?
Lvl 14 best place to farm XP
Chrome synchronizing issue
A thousand hours over 6.5 years, I've finally launched my first rocket! I'm so proud of my spaghetti base!
What games are you playing this week? Game recommendation thread