Project for school
Please Help! I need 40 more responses. Survey on Social media usage vs self esteem
Which pastry is the best? + AI (Everyone)
College Student Survey
(Academic) school project for food pantries and the like
Shoulder acne
[pc] [2010-2016?] Horror game in a mansion
Trying to socialize with a 4 on, 2 off schedule
Almost missing the exit
did i mess up
Is it weird I want a vacation so soon after starting a job?
Can I keep the spare tire on until tomorrow, when I have time to get a new tire
Had this happen
Terrified to start talking yet in the same friend group
thanks guys
Just discovered this here
New to the game
Can I harm my Pixel by charging it wrong? Living in a camper (12volt)
Show me your homescreen setups
Delivery truck parked in front of my car
Pixel 9 or Galaxy S24
Officially crossed 100k in my 2017 Focus
Relocation recommendations
Where to move with high trans population