Wondering if anyone could identify.
Watch Verification Thread - If you're uncertain if a Rolex is good/bad/fake, post info and pics here
Isabelle was buried yesterday morning, she was 16 years old
Bought 2022 CPO Audi A5 and low oil 2k miles later already?
'22 SQ5 Cold Start/High Idle Squealing. Thoughts?
Audi A4 2008 Bluetooth
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
What does my fridge say about me and my family?
Guys, show me your cats I wanna draw them 🩷
What video game soundtrack makes you go like this?
After years of receiving Goodwill junk from my wealthy SIL who never says thank you, I finally found the perfect "revenge gift" for my nephew that drove the whole family crazy
Pls send me photos of your cats. I want to badly draw them.
Hey y'all, this is Burt, he crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. This is tough, and he was an awesome lil bro. Can I get a Hail Burt?
2020 Audi Q5 2.0 P0236 code.
It's been 1286 days. Thought about you alot today.
I’m bored. Let me draw your cats!
You can win 1M USD, but you have to sing one whole song correctly without a single lyric mistake, what will you sing?
Please give me photos of your cats so i can draw them:D I'd like some funny and weird ones too!
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Trump says illegal immigrants are “eating the dogs…they’re eating the cats”
Who else's favorite part of the joint is this bit?
Regal's Alien Romulus Light-Up Popcorn Bucket Makes a Great Display for NECA Alien Warrior
What great video game was lost to the sands of time?
Name my kitten; rescued from the streets, we love unusual names
Looking for unconventional name suggestions like Red40, stove, etc