Are plug patches a temporary or permanent fix?
I am really proud of this.
If you could only have one Neil song, including every live version, what would you go for?
Band rec
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
I want to get into audiobooks... suggestions?
I'm crying
Beatles fans, who are your top 5 favorite non Beatles related bands?
My cat got to the last roll of toilet paper. Didn't realize until after I started pooping.
What show would you suggest based on my top 10
Pablo Picasso's first (1896) and last (1972) self-portraits.
Leaf blowing ice
Honest thoughts on this album?
What’s the first video game you remember playing?
What's the silliest song you know?
What’s something you want after having sex?
Give me the Neil young low down
Songs that are cool walking down the street to
What are the reasons that you did not attend any of your high school class reunions?
Should I buy an electric or acoustic guitar
What album is 100% perfect?
If you could fuck a song, what song(s) would it be?
Album you think everyone should listen to?
What is growing in my coffee machine?