Type an evillious character’s name with your eyes closed
Give a hot take on a popular character (image unrelated)
Why is Double D the most shipped out of the fandom?
What EC song are you picking?
Gallerian won the eighth square! Now, for the final square, who presents themselves as evil and actually is evil?
It ended up being really close between Charlie and Emily, Pentios also did good, but Charlie barely won, so who's loved by fans, and morally grey?
If you had to sell your soul, which overlord would you pick? (counting pre-fall Husker)
What does my favorite character say about me?
Unpopular opinion: Riliane is responsible for more deaths than Danzo, but has more redeeming qualities.
Behemo won the second square! Who presents themself as evil, but is actually good?
Fav Cory series?
Are all coryxkensin fans toxic??
Name your favorite YouTube Animator and I’ll rank them!
When Cory says "Kick back, relax, grab some snacks.", what snacks do y'all actually get??
What are the seven sins of the characters?
Comment “What if (canon EC thing) was canon?” And have everyone reply as if that thing isn’t canon
Day 15,what are your unpopular Opinions on the upcoming Goetia princess, Octavia?
Comment “What if (uncanon EC thing) wasn’t canon?” and have everything reply as if that thing is canon
One word
Do this for any fandom you’re in and let everyone else try to guess it.
People who Defend Sera Adam and Lute you do Realise its perfectly fine to like characters who are bad people Right?
Little Apology to Cory and Cory fans
Is it Weird that I'm Re-Watching Regular Show to Cope with the Season 3 Wait?
Who is your top three?
Give me some umhinged and/or uncommon HH ships!