All ships are great ships, and I'm tired of pretending they're not. (art by riasora27)
Let’s talk about this post
Probably a weird question but...does Alastor sleep?
whose a character who you find really interesting to talk and write about despite the character clearly being made to be one note and uninteresting by the creators?
Whose your favourite duo in the show? ( as in two characters who have a decent amount of scenes together and bounce off each other in fun ways? ).
Came across this great Husk and Angel angst comic earlier ( made by spacenoodlez-doodlez ).
How have I not notice this??!
Husk trying out different looks ( by spacenoodlez-doodlez ).
Husk and Alastor dynamic do you think its straight up abusive? or just sorta antagonistic or whatever?
Possible new lore drop!! Let's hear those theories!!
I think some people in the HH fandom can be kinda sensitive to dislike of characters that they like.
what do you imagine Husk's sins were in life?
Did Camila know that Luz was bullied? Or did she not and just fear she could be?
Do you think Bro zone will appear in the next movie? or do you think they will just be dropped after the third movie?
Tired of complaints about the show’s swearing and raunchy humor
Huskerdust Once said…
What do you think the Vees power grab next season will actually involve?
Do you think Husk's downfall from overlord is public knowledge?
Tweeter: don't do drugs kids.
Why are some none canon ships so passionetly hated compared to others?
I feel some people don't seem to realise that the Lilith being aroace HC and the Hoolith ship aren't actually mutually exclusive.
little idea but what if the reason for Vox and Alastor's breakup wasn't down to Vox being petty but instead was due to Al's ego.
I feel a lot of people seem to misunderstand sera's character to be honest.
if we do get some more angst for angel next season what kinda thing do you think we could see?