I'm either a genius or an idiot, we will see
Which boots to wear
To slim for my face?
My buddy and I got Stetsons and road-tripped through the dessert.
Got a date
Dam Bull sent the shank through my boot
Behold the dodge dart i found (i don't think the SS means supersport)
Favorite EDC knife
Got myself and my girl a new pair
Going to a fancy restaurant (Applebee’s) so I figured I bust out the Cobra heads
Most moisture I have ever seen in a can of cope.
Can anyone tell me what I’m looking at?
Sno Seal is by far my best purchase ever.
Miller light Lucchese today
New 4 7/8in brim. Not sure how to feel
Going And A Blowing
Rodeo tonight wish me luck
Any idea of skin my guess is cow but the texture is throwing me.
Happy new year everyone