Beaded Cicada, progress and finished!
Trying something new!
Why can't I find salty pickles?
Wedding Reception Crocs for my friend, FINAL UPDATE!
Capturing the spirit of beloved puppies through needle felting brings me so much joy
Saw someone post their friend’s wedding crocs which made me want to share the ones I made for my sister’s big day :)
Wedding crocs update! One shoe is complete!
Friend Requested Custom Wedding Crocs, progress so far
Just got the deal of the century!
Do you need to have a Batchelor's to work at ASML? [EU]
Quite possibly the worst luck of anyone ever across 15 packs lol
Update: Warped Charmander Promo
why is Marianne bother so awful?
What is wrong with you ppl. Top mod on nexus "hot".
Husband (22M) got his female coworker a mothers day gift and I (22F) argued with him over it.
What are you currently obsessed with?
...Aussie Grumps fans? <:)
Considering moving back to the US after 15 years abroad - where do I start
What is just not the “flex” that people think it is?
Looking for a cheap place to stay during vacation:)
AITA for defending my brother and asking for my money back from his future wife’s bachlorette?
No wonder Ted had such a hard time being vulnerable with Dr. Sharon
What is a song lyric that has always irked you?
Receipt I found outside my dining hall
Am I a joke to you, Garmin?