Is anyone else getting concerned about the current attitudes to our checks and balances?
What do you think of a WH Press Secretary that has such confronting and wild takes? Leavitt: "It's only because of the United States of America that the French aren't speaking German right now."
AITA for refusing to give my grandparents my late husbands life insurance payout?
My partner (35M) suddenly wants marriage... but only after I (31F) tried buying a house alone
AITAH for making my boyfriend pay me back after he ‘accidentally’ spent my grocery money on a video game?
Until if affects ME
White House ignores verbal order from judge
What's that old saying? FAFO?
Valentina Gomez, who ran for election for Missouri Secretary of State and lost in the Republican primary advocates for public executions
AITA for refusing to take my ex back but accepting my fiancé’s kids?
AITA for Not Letting My Stepdaughter Have My Late Daughter’s Room?
My husband got me a vacuum for my 50th
AITAH for embarrassing my husband's coworker for embarrassing me and my husband?
AITHA for secretly recording my professor making sexist remarks and getting him fired?
If you had to choose between Magdalena and Elisabeth…
She hates the food
hate food
As much as I agree behind the bar owner, would this be considered discrimination?
MAGA attempts to enter bar and was kicked out by owner. Then complains about discrimination
From my due date group on Facebook
„They eat way less and fewer times.“
AITAH for telling my neighbor she can’t have my side of the garden
ran around like a lunatic today only to be told im not allowed to buy a butterknife
Holi in india
In Atlanta GA this man…lost his mind because my husband would not answer his questions!
AITAH for being flippant about my gf's sister going to lose her job cuz she voted for Trump
I don’t want to relocate to India with my husband