What's this anime?
Drogenpolitik - Richtervereinigung: Cannabis-Gesetz sorgt für deutliche Entlastung der Justiz - Warnung vor Zurücknahme nach der Bundestagswahl
LFG [EU][Ravencrest] Blood DK looking for people to play with (Mythic, Raids, just hanging out)
Revisionist history will not be tolerated.
What would happen if a pulsar entered our solar system
I believe I am the first person to play Sona with an actual DJ deck
Undertaker looks down at Mankind after he chokes slams him, unscripted, through the top of the cell
What movie had a scene that received the loudest cheering reaction, when you saw it in theaters?
What is a really unattractive male name?
Why is League of Legends perceived so negatively?
My "Pride and Joy". The most advanced and efficient Aquilio runner in my fleet. Completely Ammo neutral, smooth and automatic speed control, able to permanently stay in Aquilio Orbit etc.
PSA: using biter eggs can be up to 187.5x more efficient at making nutrients than bioflux!
'Arcane's Hefty $250 Million Reported Budget Explained by EP: “We're a Game Company"
Los Ratones vs. Kiedyś Miałem Fun / NNO Cup Season 2 - Round 1 / Post-Match Discussion
[no spoilers] Arcane becomes the only show in imdb history to have 1 entire season of every episode rated as 9/10+
[No spoilers] He's absolutely GOATED🔥🔥🔥
If you could know the truth behind one unexplainable mystery, which one would you choose?
What video game had the best movie/show adaption in your opinion?
And it was only the "Vorglühen"...
I think it's time to go green🌳
Real as hell lmao
[S2 act 2 spoilers] Two sides of the same coin
[no spoilers] My Personal Prediction for the Act 3 ending (art by me)
Riot Games co-founder Mark Merrill revealed Arcane only got 2 seasons because there are "more stories to tell" in the League of Legends universe. He also confirmed Riot wants to make more shows.
Finally! I unlocked my fast and productive science boy