My boy Osi, he's my whole world
This the norm these days?
When sims can relate to you
She's shilling a tennis dress with a "potty pouch"...working overtime to try to go viral again. (Tiktok 3•27•25)
My sim's fwb dumped him, and she gave him crabs 🦀
People who don’t hit snooze in the morning, what is your secret?
Unfiltered face at Top Golf
Girl, same..
Feeling full for days
My 2nd kid aged up, and I got a notification that something isn't right
How is this fair??? She literally just came home basically half dead, embarrassed +50?????
Bethany reveals more about her port infection
MS thanks God for electricity, an unclogged toilet, sunshine, a washing machine, running water, and the ability to walk. March 21 2025
MS captions her selfie by calling her followers “fuckin ignorant” because they’re sus of her dramatic weight loss. March 21 2025
She gives us a progress photo on her weight loss, she talks about alcohol, stress, and credits her great relationship with manbun. (IG 3•21•25)
What breed is my boy ? Any help appreciated
Osi's black beans 🫘
What breed is my cat?
Cipher SOLD OUT Celebration GIVEAWAY! Comment in this post for a chance to win Indy #31 - Raffle Ends In 48 Hours! Thank You So Much For All The Support! 👾
Looking for inspiration 😆
It’s my boy’s 2nd birthday 🥳
Oh you have GOT to be kidding me 💀 I'll take things that never effing happened for $500, alex
Oh give it a REST girl. Your shit is not unique. Most skincare has EVERYTHING you are saying, AND the founder’s don’t yell at their consumers. 🫠
A venti caramel macchiato with 3 pumps… of dignity