Vidutinio vatniko išmintis
Rusakalbiai Vilniuje
The photographer who captured Trump’s head at this angle, 👌
What was the dumbest reason you saw somebody quit a band?
NATO Chief Says Relations with Moscow to Be Normalized After War End
Russia may invade Europe in 5 years , Danish intelligence warns.
Why does Europe go to Turks when it's stuck?
They've been planning since 2017
Kodėl Rusija istoriškai visada buvo shithole country?
Iš kur tokie „visažiniai”išlenda ?
No dictators or wannabes
Ho ho, kaip manot kuris didesnis vatnikas elon hitler ar trumpas?
Reikia #EUPride susibūrimo Lietuvoje
Labas rytas
Finantial Times - JAV planuoja isvesti karius is Baltijos saliu
Klaipėda vs Kaunas
Danish intelligence: Russia is ready for a new war after Ukraine in 6 months | These calculations assume that NATO does not accelerate its armaments at the same pace as Russia.
Nu va,dabar Lenkijoje reiškia savo teises 🙂
Christoph Heusgen, chairman of the Munich Security Conference, cries as he summarizes and concludes.
Trump says he wants Ukraine's rare earth elements as a condition of further support
Russia wants Shpicbergen and the half of Greenland. Russian State Duma Deputy: "Spitsbergen is extremely important to us today". Russian television has said that a war has begun in the Arctic.
Ar rusiški nr. leidžiami Lt?
Galės dabar sau švęsti ramiai День Победы
To not revel in America's deadliest terror attack.
Russia’s LNG exports hit record high in 2024, with over half going to Europe — Meduza