Okii ppl, I have to go do the eeps now
Goodnight wonderful people of teenarazzi!
Not me wondering where my phone is while I'm on it 😭
Okay you all wanted the story about the pretzel it is here now
goodnight comrades n friends :D
we got flairs :3
Poem :3
Should I go eep?
Guess who just came out
We should advertise this sub to make it the most popular sub on reddit
Ran out of batteries
I rlly like it here
Okay this is not clickbait
brothers and sisters i got big news :3
Plot twist
who are your favorite music artists right now :3
Chat, pls undie I barely come here cuz mocks and when I do u all gone wtf ;-;
I have consumed too many souls
yay 9 members thank you all that joined the subreddit :D
I have a big secret to share
Ah my box i made looks so nice:3
Golf morphing!
I was sick and had to go home from school
Yay the sub now has 8 members now yay :D