PSA - Gallbladder
How long did you stay in the hospital after delivering, and via which method?
How do you enjoy working out?
Feeling like a failed parent for baby not eating solids
When did you start feeding baby food?
I think my little guy is coming soon? 🤯
What kind of foods is your 7 month old eating?
My first big girl apartment
When did you actually give birth?
How long did the postpartum hormones affect you? I’m 21 days PP and feel honestly insane.
did you actually throw up during your pregnancy?
How do parents who work full time fit in fitness?
Is it time to drop a nap?
Insurance after baby’s born
Spring forward bedtime struggle
How many times does your 6 month old wake up through the night?
What are signs your water is breaking?
You vs your mom
Registry Regrets
Having a rough day
Is it normal to kiss your baby on the lips?
Kim the Narcissist
Is it tacky to throw your own baby shower?
For parents who do screen time