The Reason Why Some Players Have Trouble With Interaction
Is it a coincidence that the Cathars and Huguenots were both centered in the same place?
Shelob 50€ Budget Deck?
Need some help finding an ultra casual commander.
My deck always feels like the slowest
Stax as a healthy way to deal with a developing meta
The midrange value-pile meta of casual commander is becoming less and less tolerable for me over time. Stax is taboo and not particularly fun for anybody involved, but I kind of struggle to imagine a better counter. Am I missing something?
Homie keeps burping on everyone
Trample vs deathtouch
When should I announce what I mill?
Corgi barks A LOT when my partner and I touch
Need help trying to build better Game ender commander decks.
What are some less crazy alternatives to winota?
Do you have social anxiety? Does it interfere with your commander games experience?
Squirrel Deck, Who works better as the commander?
How does one distinguish between a br3 and a poorly optimized br4?
Just starting the captives war, there are a lot of unusual names being thrown at me, is there some sort of spoiler free dramatis personai list I can reference?
What are your personal deck building restrictions?
Is running a lot of removal frowned upon in casual?
Why do people hate Izzet and blue so much?
How do you counter aristocrats?
Is it socially acceptable to play a "harmless" group hug deck?
Opinions on Peter Wilson’s Blood and Iron?
Secret Lair: SpongeBob SquarePants
Why did the US Navy keep using 4 WWII-era battleships until 1992 long after they became obsolete?