Priest of Candomblé - Ask me anything
So since an absolute chronology of the scapegoat mechanism is impossible,
Abode of Mot
Locating the genesis of the scapegoat mechanism in time
Please, What name do you think I look like? I want some suggestions (Nonbinary)🥹💖
I'm trying to feed what I can glean about the construct state online
would this be correct for 'Cities of Moloch'?
How would I write this in cuneiform?
Translation requests into Latin go here!
tupšarrūtu in cuneiform
Would schizophrenia be different for nonbelievers? Without the belief in a god or demons, what would the hallucinations be like?
Cuneiform for melammu
Could you help me separate a phrase from Siduri's advice?
Tarsem Talks His Gonzo Masterpiece “The Fall” Restored in 4K
I'm halfway through The Guermantes Way and flagging
Can ἀνάστασις also mean 'one of the resurrected' in addition to 'resurrection'
What hive would you want to belong to?
Humans engaged in long-term thinking
Translation requests into Ancient Greek go here!
Is man as a desiring subject a creation of modernity? A creation of markets?
Is 'homo sacer' an apt way to describe the 1st victim in prehistory?
Quick Questions: May 08, 2024