🔥 a beautiful white peacock I saw today
🔥 Keel-billed toucan
Pet the fishy
Pink robin 💕
My adorable pet rats and their tiny paw paintings from this week!
My 14 day old baby donkey, his name is Smokey
That look when that Amazon order arrives and you know you’re gonna have a box on the ground for approximately 25 days. 👀
I own you hooman.
🔥 sneaky hippo
To stay in place
New Aquarium Setup
She's getting better at loafing! 😍🥹 10/10! What do you think?
The crime -> the criminal
Tree kangaroo enjoying some treats
I know it’s not a perfect loaf, but look how happy she is with it.
Meatball (17lbs) often uses his sister Spaghetti (6lbs) as a couch cushion
Gf left a bowl of dipping ranch in the sink
Doggo loves to play with this big ball
The perfect fit
You’re mine
Clawdia wishes you a chill Sunday
Kitty stealing the spotlight
Discus laid eggs
Just walking by