me when trying to decide whether to build a new lorry station
YAFAP: 3.6.6, nyinbird, Val-Dwa-Fem-Law
accidentally picked the wrong axis for `func_door_rotating` again
Free tree seedlings each Friday from March 21 through April 25; various locations around the state
My first run over 10,000 steps!
YASD - Elven Wizard, zapped self with finger of death
One speedy boi
ChatGPT just gave me a crazy Strat?
Orcish Town
YAFAP- yet another Lawful Human Valk first ascension
is it better to have surfaces to meet flat like the regular way they meet when you hollow a cube, or is it better to cut them at 45 degree angles and merge to make them meet like trapazoids?
EA opensourced 4 old Command and Conquer games
Those of you who "do BLOCK" regularly. What do you use it for?
What part of Arkansas is the most common to see alligators?
Will FreeBSD also eventually introduce Rust to kernel?
are you guys seeing this shit
Does anyone know the lore reason for Bob wanting to end Bart?
Bill to eliminate AETN and Arkansas library board passes Senate, heads to House
Thanks Amazon, I hate it.
Maximizing Brush Availability
How does this look
Why does carving does stuff like that?
Too many unique verts, max = 65536 (map has too much brush geometry) "Porting goldsrc map to source"
I've been playing for a month, and I've yet to find a quest.
Win7+/64 bit, what are the keywords to build smallest .exe which downloads from http (or https?)