Did i get the reference right?
Who to invest in?
Say any number between 1-539 and I'll give you a song
Is she good? Only other dia robo I have is overclocked but heard she was bunz
Спецэффекты в фильмах. Какую готовую картинку мы видим, и что происходит на самом деле с актером в этот момент.
Finally getting into Arkhamverse, starting with AA! What are some tips & suggestions for a newbie getting into it without any ideas?
Found this key.. what should I call it?
Much much much Valentine
Any recommendations how should I play her?
What is the general consensus around Purrminator?
skullgirls age rating
Hi guys! 😀just having a great time opening the hyper pack for the first time! 😀🗣️
Reddit, this is my child. I apologize for nothing.
How many points do I need to get the diamond key in the diamond character prize fight? Trying to level up my heartless<33
How did bro lose ☠️
2nd 100% Crit Rate Purrminator
Random question but who do yall main
Why People hate cerbella?
good investment?
Which marquee for robo and what is the purpose of a critless build
W or L pull?
Ryuko Drawing #1