Why do I get "follow the instructions on iphone to unlock it and use it on this mac" even though for iPhone mirror settings I have set it as "automatically authenticate"?
Ready to Be Culturally Educated From My School Library
Love the idea of this sub!
Did Ngati Mutunga and Ngati Tama ever apologise for the Moriori Massacre/Genocide? Need help for history research project.
SICK of racial profiling in school
Kaabo Mantis King GT rider here. Is my gear sufficient for 70kph/45mph?
Found This Gem on the New Zealand Herald Website
Segregation at New Plymouth Boys’ High School
How to define a Maori? Orginal post got removed from r/NewZealand.
How to define a Maōri?
“Does not protect chin from impact.” Is my helmet safe enough?
Kaabo Mantis King GT is a beast off road!
Are these duplicate standards normal? I don’t get double credits though right?
[GIVING] ReadHero PRO Subscription for iOS Reading App
Why the fuck is r/NewZealand so WOKE??
Ok wtf this is a little concerning.
Just need advice (venting a bit)
[Request] Auto refresh without UI opening
Level 2 Triple Science Study Tips
If a customer is paying a large amount in cash, do I question them?
David Seymour school lunch - unidentifiable pasta ball and lentils. Food arrived at 2pm (1 hour after lunch time finished). Not one child could stomach the food and so after offers to give food away to local community were declined, all several hundred of these went into the rubbish.
Jacinda Ardern's documentary isn't too popular (1.4 / 10)
Can someone please explain this to me. Is this showing what I think it is?
Is it safe to sleep with the windows open?