Post concert depression/anxiety
How do you get water when you’re at the front
How did you accept your anxiety
Do the tickets sell out fast?
Looking for a cruelty free dupe for clinique black honey
Concert filming
Most memorable concert tee-shirt
Concert fits?
I brought a friend to an amazing concert and she just got drunk and scream-talked the entire show
Whyyyy do people get drunk and talk at concerts
Why weren't they made the real couple in TVD!?!?
How to deal with anxiety caused by illness
Cover up ideas?
Most of yall would hate Damon if he was a girl😭
I haven’t been anxious for a few weeks
How long after neutering will my cat stop humping my other cat
Kat grahams acting is some of the best I’ve seen
How do you hold/make conversation anymore? (Getting to know somebody)
What do you do when an Artist you like is a bad person?
What’s the song you couldn’t get out of your head today?
genuine question
If you could remove one part of your personality, what would you remove?
Why do dudes send dick picks but you rarely hear about girls sending pussy pics?
What should I do tomorrow
What's a good subreddit for depressed people to talk on?