My friend did a tattoo star on the hand with a sewing needle and pen ink, it led to the beginning of necrosis and an infection that almost killed her, now is a star shaped scar
When is your due date?
This is TMI, but has anyone gotten flaky nipples during their pregnancy?
I got my results back from my genetic screening. I’m on track with having a healthy baby BOY!!!
Why do some people have massive amounts of blood gush through their nose in the case of a gun suicide?
Has anyone else had/have problems keeping their balance during pregnancy?
I’m 15 weeks and my baby bump is FINALLY starting to show!
My Wife Didn't Shed a Single Tear
My doctor officially marked me down as allergic to “zofran”.
Did you get the NIPT test?
I’m set to go to the hospital tomorrow for my first detailed ultrasound scan!
Sleep talking about popsicles
What’s your favorite drink while pregnant?
What’s it like to have a transvaginal ultrasound?
Has anyone else been struggling with super chapped lips while pregnant?
Old pics of the Dudley 🥰
Is anyone else having a birthday while pregnant?
What do labor contractions VS Braxton hicks feel like?
The olive gods have betrayed me😫🥲
Any tips on how to eat more/gain weight while pregnant?
When /where did you get your first sonogram done?
My favorite lil snuggle bun 🥰🐶
Any tips for early pregnancy constipation/bloating?
I’m Newly pregnant and worried about my lack of pregnancy symptoms
I’m starting to think my dad loves our pug more than his own flesh and blood. 🤦♀️😂