Who is a character in an otherwise great show that you couldn’t stand?
Post an obscure quote from a sitcom and see who can identify which show it's from!
What is your dream wallet/card holder?
What TV show have you given up on this year?
Making 100k is rare most people make 30 to 60k per year
People who can’t wait for the other person to finish talking before butting in. Why?
What happens if 9/11 files are released and everyone finds out it was an inside job? What would happen?
What is something you never learned to do?
What's everyone watching now?
What massively improved your mental health?
What’s a polarizing or bad storyline or character arc in a TV show that the writers doubled down on?
Is Gold telling us something! I haven’t seen it Jump like this
Favourite tv sitcom couple go!
For those of you who are happily married, what are some signs a woman will make a good wife?
What are your Hot Takes on the 90s TV Shows?
How yall doing this downturn?
Which tv show (any genre) made you a tv fan for life?
Brilliantly immature characters
Can we nominate Bill Burr as the official voice for Gen X
Joe Rogan was never funny and is now pathetic
What personality trait that has become super common do you despise the most?
What the coolest/smoothest thing you’ve done in front of a woman?
Trumps setting records with the S&P 500
What's the most you've ever laughed at a TV episode?
You can go 5 years into the past, or 5 years into the future - which do you choose?